Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tuesday December 24thth, 2013


Man, I’d be in trouble if I had a daily deadline, I’m totally slipping….and detaching….part of not writing in here so much is that I am now, quite often, engaged in updates over the phone, face-to-face, wherever, as to how I’m doing…..feels like addressing it yet again in the blog makes it more ever-present.

Fact is, end of this month is 17 months post treatment, and I’m doing great.  I’ve had 3 PET or CT scans, and 3 ENT nose/throat probes with a little camera and I’m coming out with flying colors every time….and I’m continuously humbled.

My radiologist told me to my face that I am in the top ONE PERCENT (1%) of the 500 cancer patients he has treated in his career. He says my recovery is so much swifter than anyone he can even recall right now. That’s me and 4 other people……out of 500. I still live and will most likely live with some built-in issues now, but they are certainly and most definitely manageable, and an easy trade-off. Can you believe that? It is in large part because of the energy of this communication transmission, and the support I received from all of you….along with a fair amount of work from me and my family, of course. I never thought I’d hear myself say “I am the 1%”

We’ve done a lot since last I wrote, a wild Halloween here with 1,000 pieces of candy given away, a sold out Town Hall show with Fleetwood Mask tearing it up. So much fun…..we have Petty Theft coming in for 2 nights January 31/February 1---Super Bowl Weekend…..saw a Niner game, fall colors, a fun family Thanksgiving, and the ensuing Christmas season.

Sam made the freshman basketball team and is rolling through his pre season schedule, with local tournaments and across a bridge travel games.  So, I’ve been diverted.

This holiday season (and I’m still holding my breath) ideally won’t have the same issues as last, my back totally tanking one year ago tonight. The worst back pain I’ve ever had. This past year, with the help of my healing acupuncturist, I am back and in action…..just so happy to be here now, enjoying life and the lives of those around me….

The main problem with creating gaps in between posts is that so much goes by….I want these first two years to go by quickly, because this cancer usually re-appears in the first 24 months, so this is a key period….but way down inside, I just know we kicked its ass,  and that it is all behind me now.

So, to that, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas (Happy Holiday Season) and a Happy New Year. I wish you all peace and joy, AND good health. Check back in “next year” and we’ll see what’s going on then.


Go Niners!