Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26th, 2012                                                                                   31 Days Outta Treatment


I’m getting fired up a bit lately and warmly supported by friends who say, “You look a lot better, than when I saw you a couple of weeks ago! Your color is great and you look super.” You know how it is, that’s the nature. I’m seeing myself on a daily basis, and in all rites should be saying the same thing to myself. There is still the guy with the polluted system that aches for feeling better emotionally and physically. Give folks a couple weeks and I bet I do look a lot better…..I’ll take it, trust me.

So, I shifted the internal message the other day. Since I’m not necessarily in the forest fire at this time and I am in the defined “Recovery program,” then the message has to be altered.  I had Tracey down at the office print out some new language for the walls of my room and my other spaces.


“You Are Healing Every Day”

“Won’t you try just a little bit harder?”

“Get Outside and Exercise!”

“Lively Up Yourself!”

“Do a Little More Every Day”

I also set up some 3 week goals for myself to help begin the return of momentum, to fill some time, move forward and build up stamina….. little accountability items that keep me visible, interacting, getting the juice from my positive and inspirational friends. That’s the only way for a guy like me to crawl out of a hole. With this said, however, I still give ground and space to rest, recovery, healing, diet, recovering strength. At this time, it’s the mornings where I’m getting my rest.

So, today at the Niner’s ½ time I put on some sweats and saddled Jammer up. Kiki and Dream Posse were playing a winery in Castro Valley, beautiful place but an ALL DAY affair, 3 sets, no way I could hang, and  Sam was with friends. I went to my neighbor’s  Pat & George Noceti, and coaxed George (avid biker, tremendous condition) to walk the Lucas Circle Loop in our neighborhood. Accountability partner. We got up and over the hill and a couple more to boot, thus completing the most extensive exercise since treatment ended. Get out and exercise!

So, I will get to the Club this week for the first time since March. Begin training, stretching……….I’ve stabilized and begun to slowly put on some of the 30 pounds I’ve dropped since March 14th. Maybe put back 20 instead, huh?

 Angel Delivery Service delivered my 2004 Jeep this week, formally, and I am now back on the road again, comfortable in my Jeep, completely serviced, ready to roll. You don’t know how much getting a car back under my butt has helped. Phew…..Thanks to Tracey and Shannon for that!

 I am healing every day…….I am eating lots of different solid foods, just trouble with the taste buds, no spices, toast, peppers. No pizzas or burrito’s yet, no burgers either, but pastas, chicken, Mac & Cheese all works just fine. Let’s just say I have moved up from puree, so yeah, that’s a  win.


I am getting stronger every day……






  1. Ashley sends her love Tom. We drive her down to U. of Redlands tomorrow. Time marches on and waits for no one.

    Glad you are in recovery stage and feeling a bit better every day. Sounds like you will be good to go by playoff time and will be able to see your Giants....I think their pitching earns them a spot in the post season. Maybe even tilt a few back pre-game!?!?


  2. Tom,

    Sue and I are glad to hear you are getting better. You are inspiring because of your strength of character over a long period of time. Congratulations on your strength of spirit.

    Tom & Sue
