Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3rd, 2013                                                            

Happy New Year, one and all. Hope the holiday season was a winner for everyone. With the tree coming down today and the ornaments et al going back to storage, I guess it’s time to zoom into 2013….my problem is, I’m not zooming much. My back went haywire on Xmas Eve, laid me up in bed all day Christmas Day, which for me, this year, was quite the bummer. I had really hoped to celebrate in a more reflective, positive way, but writhing in pain in the fetal position wasn’t what I had in mind. This was the worst my back has ever been, and I know what I did, lifting something I shouldn’t have.

I’m simply not very strong right now in the mid-section/core area. I lost a lot of muscle this past year, and putting it back, strengthening the area, is a major focus of mine right now. For now, believe it or not, I’m back on a couple of meds, with sciatica pulsing in my calf and behind my left knee. So weird.

Kind of a lazy week as I shuffle about the house. The goal here is to be better next week when things pick up, folks return home, and ideally sellers determine it is time to sell. We need homes on the market, buyers are chomping at the bit.
Saw Furthur at Bill Graham Civic on the 30th. Gave me a chance to re-connect with Lori and Bill Walton. Bill was Father Time on NYE. Anyway, the hugs I got from those two are still warming me, so earnest and full of love. I hadn't seen them since 12-30-11, before all of this nonsense happened, so the chance to be together again was sweet. Spent a couple of songs with them, high atop the crowd on BW's perch. Good to be "home" again.

Anyways, thanks for all the good wishes over the holidays with your cards and calls. Let’s see what this year brings…..i do know that each day is a gift now, so that’s how I am going to try to treat it.

Peace Out,