Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19th, 2012                                                                                     54 Days Outta Treatment

Hey Now Everyone,

Sorry for not checking in, been super busy trying to get better…..things are coming along, I guess they are. Went to the Doctor on the 10th, he doesn’t have the best tableside manner, so I gotta tell ya, he didn’t necessarily lift the spirits of Kiki or me……the end goal is to ramp down the meds, notably the morphine, which though it is being received in small doses, CANNOT be quickly ceased due to serious withdrawals….so we are scaling down, and making great progress there.

I’m looking for signs….little more beard/goatee/moustache growing back, weight gain, energy…’s coming. Believe it or not, the right side of my moustache came out of this thing horizontally sliced in half, top to bottom. So, if desired (NOT) I could grow a little “frenchy,” real thin and straight….well, in the past two weeks, that growth is working its way back down to my lip, and I am ecstatic. Just show me a sign, Jesus, just show me a sign……all I am sporting now is a little soul patch beneath my lower lip. That’s going to have to do it for now.

It has been a weird couple weeks since last I scribed…..still trouble getting outta bed, getting going, eating lots…..I had to cancel my Stage MC’ing at Lafayette’s Art & Wine Festival cause I was way worried about that much time in the sun, and heat…..imagine, I had to give up a mic that I’d have on stage all day intro and outro’ing bands in front of 1,000-2,000 people. I hate it when that happens. But I did go down for a spell on Sunday to see this HOT Santana copy cat band called Zebop. They are special, but I got tired in an hour and Kiki and I split to eat.

Sunday was a different day. Hung at home all day till about 2:00 PM then went down to see Kiki’s band, Dream Posse play. TONS of people came from far and wide to support her (and me) and we were touched. It got me fired up. Judy, Katherine, Rita, Joan, The Georges, The Carellas, Alison & Greg Vicas, Ilene Leibowitz, the Cliftons,Sue Cost and Dani Robinson, Mike and Shanon, Evie and Eric, the Pooles.  I could and should keep going. We are made our way down the street to see the Sun Kings after that. They do the best damn Beatles covers you’ll ever see, and my dear friend Drew Harrison who does the John part---(funny that a Harrison does the Lennon, huh?) worked me into the lyrics during HELP. Help is the song he played for me at the Lafayette Community Music Festival back in May and I joined him onstage to dance and sway and cry…..cause I need Help and I’m not afraid to ask for it. Net net, he got 1,000 people to cheer for me and support me in my fight against this freakin’ disease and it was beautiful. It gave me hope, energy, fire, legs, love, and spine tingling happiness…….I was with my tribe, I was saluted, I was hugged, I was loved….

That launched me into a solid Monday, which moved to a solid Tuesday and now today, Wednesday….I am getting up, getting dressed, hit the office meeting Monday, going to Crosby, Stills and Nash tonight. Perhaps I’ve turned a corner, I do know I’ll continue to need naps here and there (took one today) but the energy you have all given me throughout this process manifested itself into wind beneath my wings. I am determined to continue to battle, get out with my people, my clients, my family, my friends. EVERYONE tells me I look so much younger….that’s probably cause I don’t have a white goatee anymore.

I’m excited, people….I won’t get a scan till mid October or later, so I am still in limbo there, but we all know we killed this thing, and it is time for your TomCat to get it on and continue on my life quest to live with love, light, energy and be surrounded by my tribe at various junctures here and there.

 Kiki continues to be wonderful and supportive, trying to put weight on these bones (I’m up to 174 or so) and I am gorging on Chow Mein. Had my first burrito Monday, that stuck pretty good, even though it had no hot sauce and less flavor. And it went down with water, beer continues to be cerveza non grata right now.

Got a $1.4M listing this week…..I am humbled by the work of my angels. This one is conveniently located right around the corner, a family I moved in here 4 years ago. Job transfer, and they are leaving behind a beautiful, updated home with a new roof, pool, master suite, HVAC and more. In this market, it will be gone in a week!

I want to give a shout out to my college roomie and Best Man (and Best Guy) in my wedding, Dan “Harmon” Kelleher. He had his nagging hip replaced on the 11th, and for the first time, we were both taking morphine at the same time. We were always more the beer and tequila shots guys, anyway…..hang in there, Harm, you’ll be better than ever, and you won’t have to do radiation and chemo to get better! Such a deal!

I’m coming around people, I’m coming around. Continue to stick with me, keep the cards coming, they are stacked 8 inches high now, you are an amazing batch of people. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t sent one yet, send one tomorrow, I’ll read it and cherish it. I have the best friends in the world, and I don’t want to say goodbye to any of them yet!

By the time you read this, I will have danced and cried at the harmonies of the American Beatles, CSN, playing The Fillmore tonight, and I promise you I will sing and sob during Suite Judy Blue Eyes, the anthem for my long ago fallen comrade, Bert Kirby Haverly, my Cassidy, a spirit gone way too soon, but the guy who took the time to scour the Grateful Dead Parking Lot in Ventura CA, July of 1983 and bring me Kiki (and Carla). Yes, it was Bert, and that was his song, and this will be Kiki and my night. I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are…..don’t let the past remind us of what we are not now.

I love you all.




1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting out a bit, which is good. I would think if me I would never leave the house, but that is why I am not Tom Stack! Can't keep Stack down.

    Congratulations on the Giants clinching. I think they have as good a shot as any NL team at getting to the World Series this year. Who knows, 2012 could be an epic year for you. Fought and won a battle with cancer and a Giant World Series victory.

    This will be my Q4 wish...unless the Giants play the Yankees :).

    Stay strong,
