Monday, March 19, 2012

Hey Now,
Thanks to EVERYONE for their wonderful encouragement. I am disappointed to remark that there are only 9 or 10 Grateful Dead lyric references, though, so let's pick it up, huh? I have had 1,275 visits to the blog, and that blows my mind!
Treatment started last Wed, not Monday, for a couple of unimportant reasons. I am due to get the chemo bag disconnected this afternoon. It is about the size of a VHS tape, and it makes a noise like those gopher spikes you put in the lawn, about every 30 seconds.....that's when you know the juice is flowing. Which is good.
Gotta tell ya, this whole thing is so weird. Yes, it is MY journey, and one I am now in the process of, but it is weird. I NEVER get sick, and this is quite foreign to me. I'm Johnny Energy, and this is taking that from me, and it pisses me off. Cross your fingers, I haven't gotten sick, the drugs see to that. I'm eating, hydrating, and the body is functioning, all of which are priorities according to everyone in the know.
I took a listing in Moraga for $1.15M over the weekend, cause I gotta pay for this stuff, right? Going for more this week. I have fantastic support at the office from my "work wives" (c'mon, we all have them) and they are seeing to it that my biz stays rolling.
To my fellow cancer survivors that I have interacted with these past couple of weeks, THANKS. Your perspective and encouragement is invaluable. I pray for you every day.
Remember, May 5th at Town Hall Theatre in Lafayette, for the Lafayette Community Music Festival.
If you all thought or felt that I loved you before all of this (my daily goal) then please know that I do even more now. Keep it coming, stay with me on this, I need you all.


  1. Tom,
    Thanks for letting me know and inviting my help. Susan and I will be there on May 5th to see the MC and Kiki and Sam. If I can run errands, sit in your house for deliveries, keep you and the bag company, call my cell and I will be there on relatively short notice. 510-418-5883

    I just felt my heart make a little more room to hold all three of you close. While you are bravely doing what you have to do, know this. I love you and all your purposes and you will pull through this and get on with your life, a life that is a well lived example for all of us.
    Dave Lilly

  2. Hey Tom,

    Thank you for letting us know. My dad had the EXACT SAME type of cancer 16 years ago. It was a minor speed bump for him. A bit of a perspective shifter. But, after he took the few months to get rid of it, he just kept going. At 71 he's finally now getting around to retiring and continues to kick our butt on the baseball diamond.

    It's certainly a scary time. Most important thing is to keep the long run in perspective. You will all get through this and you will be stronger for it.

    Please let us know when we can drop off some dinner or groceries or whatever. Our thoughts are with you.

    Karen, Rich, Ben & Alexandra

  3. Tom,

    Thanks for the update. I have you and the family in my prayers and on my mind daily.

    Spirit and Positive energy no doubt play a role in recovery and TS, you have them in spades. Hang tough.


  4. Hey Tom,

    Sorry to hear the news but know you'll get through this. Bill and I will toast to you and your recovery from the Phil Lesh show on Friday evening. Hope to see you at some point soon. All the best.

    Kevin Clifford

  5. Hey Tom,

    I am praying for you and your family. I have no doubt in my heart that you are going to get through this.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

    Julie Lonergan

  6. TS-

    Dan sent your blog to me. I'm sorry to hear about this obstacle, but I know that you will beat it. I have no doubt that your wonderful, positive outlook and approach will see you through to good health. Mirna and I will see you at the Music Festival on the 5th. In the meantime, please let us know if we can help out in any other way. We're just 10 minutes away down Highway 24.

    Your friend,


  7. Thinking of you, Tom! Hope you are kicking those little cells' butts! If I can do anything for you, Kiki or Sam, let me know. Love, Judy

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