Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hey Now,
Day 7 (of 21), Round 2......I'm in the soup now, kids. Literally ad figuratively. The GI (Gastro-Intestinal) tract is burned, from start to finish, so to speak. This makes it hard to talk, swallow even chew, and the innards of my cheeks are burnt. Lost a few pounds, not by design, and will work hard to regain them. And to think, just 3 or 4 days ago I was knoshing on a sour dough roll with turkey, avocado and muenster.....dang.....what was it that Warren Zevon titled his last album?..."Enjoy Every Sandwich."
Well, he was right!
Experience tells me this will be a 3 or 4 day run, maybe 5 if I add in the cumulative aspects oif chemo on chemo.
This means that I will most likely be missing Giant's Opening Day, only the 4th time in the past 48 years. That sucks, huh? Make it up for me and have a toast to me, everyone!!! I do have my sights set on a Jimmy Cliff--Acoustic and Storytelling Show---with Kiki at the Uptown Theatre in Napa on Sunday the 15th.
Jimmy Cliff is an inspirational musician to me, defining my time in St. Thomas 27 years ago. 8th row center, that beautiful voice, cross your fingers, I really am looking forward to it.
Back to the soup.....during this period, I am all over the various soups that have found their way to my front porch. Gotta load 'em with salt.....sodium is like a Red Bull to me, gives me energy. It is like watering a dry plant, perks right up.
Anyways, I'll be back soon. Get your tickets to Town Hall Theatre's 2nd Annual Lafayette Community Music Festival.
I am working on a block of rooms, and have Kelleher and Kennedy slotted if I can pull it off. Any others? Could be $99.00 at the Lafayette Park, which is a $250/night location. Talk to me.
Keep the energy coming.......as Bill Graham used to say, "More, More, More!"


  1. Hey Tom,
    I am praying for you and yours and sending powerfully good thoughts your way. I am right here in Moraga and would love to help in any way I can. Since my brother went through this last year, I sort of know what you are in for.Eating and drinking get pretty tricky, but I can tell by your blog that you are doing great even with all you have been through already! Bronco love to you, Tina (Adza) Corcorran

  2. Missing opening day. Sorry.
    I feel your pain...
    I missed your 50th when I had cancer.
    But I don't have cancer anymore.
    There will be lots of other games!
